Your saved searches in Paragon will be automatically updated to reflect the new sales statuses when they’re added to the MLS® in June.
How will my searches be updated?
Saved searches that include “Active” will be updated to include both “Active” and “Active Under Contract”.
Saved searches that include “Sold”, will be updated to replace “Sold” with “Pending” and “Closed”.
To understand what these new statuses mean, check out our sales status FAQ.
What do I have to do?
While your saved searches will be automatically updated, we recommend you review your saved searches to ensure they’re accurate and align with your clients’ needs and expectations.
You can also edit your saved searches after launch to narrow them to only include the new statuses you want – for example, if your search for Active listings now returns both Active and Active Under Contract, you can edit it to only return Active.
Client-centric updates
Searches linked to your clients will be updated with the new statuses ensuring they receive up-to-date information. Search results will continue to be sent to your clients via email and Collaboration Centre.
Clients using Collaboration Centre may notice an increase in notifications due to the expanded range of status values. Active will also include Active Under Contract listings, and Sold will be replaced with Pending and Closed.
If your client has opted to receive a notification when a status changes, then they will receive a notification when status changes to Active Under Contract, Pending, or Closed. With additional status changes triggering notifications, clients will be able to stay better informed regarding their saved searches.
For clients entering searches directly into the Collaboration Centre, the system will automatically adjust searches to include both Active and Active Under Contract.
Contact the GVR if you have any questions.